PDF.Organizer for .NET
PDF.Organizer for .NET is a plug-in that aims to split PDF document into separate pages, as well as to merge different PDF files into the one. To run the plug-in developers can either specify the path of the files or directly launch the stream containing PDF files.
1. Reads data from various sources, including file path and file streams.
2. Supports combinations of the file path and file streams in input and output.
3. Contains two types of operations (Split, Merge).
4. Can merge two or more PDF files.
5. Can split PDF file into two or more pages of the same file format.
Organize PDF document via .NET library
The PDF.Organizer is a plug-in that allows developers to perform splitting and merging PDF files.
Operation 'Merge' combines several PDF files into the one. Operation 'Split' allows developers to devide a PDF file into several pages, forming them into separate documents.
Try code snippets below:
1. Merge
To run merge options in several lines of code, create New PDF Organizer, add new Organizer Merge Options, add input Data Source, add output Data Source and the ran Organizer processing.
2. Split
To run split options in several lines of code, create New PDF Organizer, add New Organizer Split Options, add input Data Source, add output Data Source and then run Organizer processing.
How to Organize PDF via .NET
- Install Aspose.PDF.Organizer for .NET.
- Load the PDF file with an instance of Document.
- Create a new Document class object to organize PDF.
- Add or remove page in the document.
- Save result document to a new file.
System Requirements
Just make sure that you have the following prerequisites.
- Microsoft Windows or a compatible OS with .NET Framework or .NET Core
- VBScript, Delphi, C++ via COM Interop.
- Development environment like Microsoft Visual Studio.
- Aspose.Imaging Conversion for .NET DLL referenced in your project.